Medical Malpractice Law
Criminal investigations against physicians are often based on allegations of medical malpractice. In these cases, the legal support of physicians requires a differentiated approach, also taking civil and employment law aspects into consideration. It is usually necessary to establish the process of diagnosis, therapy or surgery in detail and include medical experts to clarify the allegations and help prepare an effective defence.
Physicians and directors of hospitals are also investigated for submitting false claims. It requires special expertise to consult the relevant provisions for submitting claims for medical services towards the respective insurance providers. In this context, registered physicians are also accused of intentionally submitting false claims. Due to the complexity of the matter, investigations are often led by specialized investigation teams of the state police offices and under close cooperation with the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians and social security carriers.
Investigations into physicians pose specific risks for their professional life. Apart from criminal penalties there are penalizations according to professional law through the respective medical associations, which may even result in license withdrawal.
Medical Criminal Law
In particular medical criminal law covers criminal investigations on suspicion of violation of German drug laws (Arzneimittelgesetz, AMG), of the Law on Advertising in the Health Care System (Heilmittelwerbegesetz, HeilmWG) and the Medical Devices Act (Medizinproduktegesetz, MPG). In this context, product safety and product marketing take centre stage. Criminal investigations usually target senior staff members of pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers.
In addition, sponsoring activities by pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers have recently been increasingly subject to criminal investigations.
Negligent killing, section 222 Criminal Code
Offences against physical integrity, sections 223ff. Criminal Code
Allegations of negligent bodily harm play an increasingly important role in the medical field. Section 229 of the Criminal Code provides that negligence results in bodily harm. This covers what in everyday language is referred to medical malpractice. Just as in cases of negligent killing, a specific conduct resulting in bodily injury must be proven.
Submission of false claims by physicians
Cases in which services have been invoiced that have not been provided are unambiguous. However, there have been cases in the past when services were invoiced and submitted that had been provided but not by the invoicing party. Thus, there is always an interplay between legal provisions related to medical services and their submission and the requirements for the definition of fraud.
Jurisdiction interprets medical billing according to its normative meaning. In doing so, the characteristic of deceit can be justified by referring to legal provisions. Especially problematic are cases of several (allegedly) incorrect invoices, in which the amount of damage can often be considerable. This may result in severe interventions – such as attachment orders ensuring money claims – even during the investigation.
Submission of false claims in the context of nursing services
Penalties for the submission of false claims
Incidental consequences are often of particular importance: because the criminal offence is related to the professional career, a conviction may result in license withdrawal. Other registrations and permissions may also be withdrawn. In addition to license withdrawal, defendants often face considerable financial burdens.
Incidental consequences: licence withdrawal
We are criminal lawyers
We analyse the charges brought against you and develop solutions for your case. For this purpose, we can draw on decades-long specialized experiences, which allows us to achieve the optimal outcome. Of course we pay particular attention to various possibilities of proceedings being dismissed according to the Code of Criminal Procedure.