Criminal law for employers

Several criminal regulations apply exclusively to employers.

In this respect particularly the liability of employers to pay social security contributions and taxes takes centre stage. In addition, there are other liabilities related to social security legislation, some of them punishable.

The most memorable example for criminal offences in this field are so-called cash-in-hand jobs, that is the employment of labour by willingly withholding social security and tax payments. These charges are often accompanied by significant claims by revenue authorities and social insurance bodies. In addition, there are precautionary procedural measures such as arrest during investigation proceedings. The court can order the confiscation of proceeds of crime. This is also applied to businesses.

Criminal defence in the area of criminal law for employers requires particular attention. Above all, social security law and (criminal) tax law are to be considered. We defend you comprehensively against all charges brought against you in this context. For this purpose, we work closely with experts in social security law and tax law – especially in cases that involve special matters, for example the law on hiring out employees. We bring the assumptions of the investigation authorities into question, especially when they form the basis of the identification and estimation of damage.

We are criminal lawyers

We analyse the charges brought against you and develop solutions for your case. For this purpose, we can draw on decades-long specialized experiences, which allows us to achieve the optimal outcome. Of course we pay particular attention to various possibilities of proceedings being dismissed according to the Code of Criminal Procedure.
