IT and data protection

In the context of the increasing digitization of communication, business and trade processes, typical criminal law issues are increasingly shifting towards a technological level. Legislature and judiciary have long arrived in digital reality and adopt prosecution and penalties to present circumstances. Investigators and prosecutors have established special departments for the investigation of ‘cyber crime’.

Companies and individuals increasingly find themselves facing criminal charges in connection with the usage and processing of data and the access of digital information. A growing number of offences is related to criminal offences in the world wide web.

At the same time, a growing number of companies are in need for advice in connection with attack scenarios via technical networks, ranging from cases of computer fraud to data espionage to direct attacks on the data integrity through computer sabotage. Counsel and defence in these highly specialized fields require comprehensive technological and legal basic knowledge and experience. We are actively involved in respective investigations on a regular basis and counsel individuals and companies in the field of IT criminal law. It is often a crucial challenge to translate technological processes and operations into criminal legal terms and define them in this context. We competently and comprehensively counsel you in cases of IT criminal law – from the consultation on criminal law matters to conducting internal investigations to pressing charges.

We are criminal lawyers

IT criminal law offers special opportunities for defense. We analyse the charges brought against you and develop solutions for your case. For this purpose, we can draw on decades-long specialized experiences, which allows us to achieve the optimal outcome. Of course we pay particular attention to various possibilities of proceedings being dismissed according to the Code of Criminal Procedure.
